What Intrigued Me About Naturism
My last post touched on some of the things I liked about nudism, but there’s really so much more. I won’t even touch on all the reasons in this post, and that’s really what this blog is about. I intend to continue posting my experiences, thoughts, and things I’ve learned along my journey into nudism and as a continuing nudist.
The first thing I realized about social nudism was the feeling of immediate acceptance and the lack of judgement. When everyone is naked, nobody judges because our bodies are just what we have. People don’t seem to care what you look like naked, it all comes down to personality. In the textile world, it is all about perception. For this reason, we end up worrying about what we wear, trying to hide what’s underneath, and trying to influence the perception other people have of us through our clothing. This not only creates false images, but it also prevents certain people from talking to each other.
I read an article written by a young adult who had attended a nudist youth camp and had become friends with another girl there. They both acknowledged that in the textile world one is preppy and the other is a goth; this choice of dress would prevent those two from ever uttering a single word to one another. But with the borders down, they were able to communicate and become friends. They were able to get to know the personality, not the perception the clothes created.
Aside from the feeling of acceptance, I instantly loved the feeling of freedom that nudity provided. Suddenly I wasn’t hiding anything and it felt great. I was exposed to the world and so were the people around me, and there was an instant feeling of acceptance; we were all exposed and it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter where I came from or how I looked. It was just me, no artificial perceptions from my clothing. Now I could talk to the goth kid, or the hippie chick, or the preppy couple, or the Harley-riding biker, who actually is much nicer than you’d think. All people I likely would not speak to with clothes on because of that false perception clothing creates.
I also realized my body could now feel the environment around me better, I was more aware of the air on my body, the sand under my feet, the sweat on my skin working to cool me. I realized that my clothing was far less useful than I had previously thought. Clothing doesn’t allow the body to naturally cool itself the way it was intended to. Without clothing my sweat was met by the air and my air conditioning system was 100% effective for the first time. I jumped into the water and for the first time I really knew how it felt. I was more aware of the temperature of the water, and the water felt great.
And the sun on your naked body is such an awesome feeling. Aside from never having to worry about tan lines, nudism means no more sweaty private parts tucked into hot clothing. Feeling the sun on your whole body, and feeling the air cooling it naturally is such a great feeling. It was all these feelings that kept me coming back to Wreck Beach for the whole summer. How great it was, but I was only just beginning to explore an exciting new world as a nudist. Little did I know all that was waiting for me to find.
More on that later…