Does God Condone Naturism?

Does God Condone Naturism?

By: Ryan
Published on: 24/09/2024

As a Christian naturist, I believe that naturism brings us closer to God by celebrating the purity of the human body, which He created. Scripture shows that nudity is not inherently sinful, but shame comes from disobedience, not our natural state.

Does Anyone Care About Naturism Anymore?

Does Anyone Care About Naturism Anymore?

By: Ryan
Published on: 17/09/2024

Naturism is growing in popularity, with increasing acceptance among younger generations. Polls show more people are open to body freedom, and tourism trends reflect rising interest in clothing-optional recreation. The future of naturism looks promising!

Should Nudists Be Labelled As Outcasts?

Should Nudists Be Labelled As Outcasts?

By: Ryan
Published on: 02/03/2018

Nudism needs bold, open promotion, not fear of negative perceptions. A reality TV episode won’t harm the movement; silence will. To advance body acceptance, we must be proud, vocal, and proactive in sharing the joys of nudism.

The Future Needs To Be Bold

The Future Needs To Be Bold

By: Ryan
Published on: 16/02/2018

An incident in Delray Beach highlights the need for naturists to push boundaries and normalize nudity, rather than hide. Public defiance can help shift societal views on body positivity, challenge outdated nudity laws, and promote a more accepting culture.
